


The Potential Canada-Wide Flavour Ban on Vaping: A Blow to Harm Reduction or a Step Toward Public Health?

The Potential Canada-Wide Flavour Ban on Vaping: A Blow to Harm Reduction or a Step Toward Public Health?
A nationwide flavour ban on vaping in Canada is a polarizing issue that underscores the delicate balance between public health objectives and individual freedoms. While the intent to protect youth is commendable, it’s vital to consider the broader consequences for harm reduction and adult smokers. Policymakers must tread carefully, crafting regulations that prioritize evidence-based solutions and minimize unintended harm. 继续阅读


加拿大即将提高电子烟产品的消费税,这凸显了在公共卫生问题面前监管新兴行业的复杂性。虽然直接影响可能会在经济上显现,但对青少年吸电子烟和整体公共卫生的长期影响仍有待观察。随着利益相关者适应不断变化的形势,合作和基于证据的政策制定对于塑造未来至关重要,未来电子烟既受到负责任的监管,又可供寻求传统烟草替代品的人使用。 继续阅读